
FanimeCon 2024 Mobile Schedule

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Currently Feb 19, 2:12pm

Displaying grid as of May 25, 4:00pm
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SPECIAL NOTE: Events in yellow have been changed from the original pocket schedule.
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Saturday 4pm-5pm

J-Fashion Market
(Signia Imperial Ballroom - Market Foyer Entrance)
J-Fashion Marketruns until 7pm
Panels 1
begins at 4:30pmCWF: Masters 8 Tournament (16+)runs until 7pm
Panels 2
Mecha Through the Years
Panels 3
continues from 3:30pmA Guide to J-Pop In The 2000s
Panels 4
A Queer History of Fandomruns until 5:30pm
Professional Registration
(SJCC Room 114)
continues from 9amProfessional Registrationruns until 7pm
(SJCC Room 210B:210F)
Hirokatsu Kihara
(SJCC Room 210B:210F)
begins at 4:30pmKira Buckland + Casey Mongilloruns until 7pm
Autograph Services
(SJCC Room 210F)
continues from 10amAutograph Servicesruns until 7pm
Cosplay Repair Lounge
(SJCC Room 210A:210E)
continues from 10amCosplay Repair Loungeruns until 7pm
Manga Lounge
(SJCC Room 211)
continues from 9amManga Loungeruns until 11pm
(SJCC Room 212)
Open Mic Karaokeruns until 2am
Stage Zero
(SJCC Vista Point)
Black and White Ball Dance Demonstrationends at 4:30pm
Stage Zero
(SJCC Vista Point)
begins at 4:30pmThe 5FtJyantsends at 4:45pm
Stage Zero
(SJCC Vista Point)
begins at 4:45pmStage Zero Programming
Artist Alley
(SJCC Room 220)
continues from 10amArtist Alleyruns until 7pm
Dealers Room
(SJCC Hall 1 & 2)
continues from 10amDealers Roomruns until 7pm
Charity Events
(SJCC Hall 1 & 2)
continues from 10amCharity Eventsruns until 7pm
Food Court
(SJCC Hall 1 & 2)
continues from 10amFood Courtruns until 7pm
Console Gaming
(SJCC Hall 3)
continues from 10amOpen Console Gamingruns until 10pm
Tabletop Gaming
(SJCC Hall 3)
continues from 10amOpen Tabletop Gamingruns until 10pm
(SJCC Hall 3)
continues from 10amOpen Arcade Gamingruns until 10pm
Tabletop Gaming Events
(SJCC Hall 3)
continues from 1pmMahjong Tournament - East-onlyruns until 7pm
Tabletop Gaming Events
(SJCC Hall 3)
continues from 3pmDigimon Tournamentends at 4:30pm
Tabletop Gaming Events
(SJCC Hall 3)
continues from 3pmShadowverse Evolve Tournamentends at 4:30pm
Console Tournaments
(SJCC Hall 3)
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Tournamentruns until 5:30pm
Arcade Tournaments
(SJCC Hall 3)
Pump It Up Tournament - Upper Divisionruns until 9pm
Info Desk Main
(SJCC Near Stage Zero)
continues from 10amInfo Desk Mainruns until 10pm
Info Desk 2
(SJCC Opposite Marriott Entrance)
continues from 9amInfo Desk 2runs until 7pm
Peacebonding Station
(SJCC Outside Main Entrance)
continues from 8:30amPeacebonding Stationruns until 8pm
(SJCC The Hub)
continues from 9amRegistrationruns until 7pm
Car Show
(South Hall)
continues from 12pmCar Showruns until 7pm
Fan Storage
(Hilton Market)
continues from 10amFan Storageruns until 7pm
Speed Dating
(Hilton Almaden)
Speed Dating (18+)runs until 5:30pm
Lost and Found
(Hilton San Carlos)
continues from 9amLost and Foundruns until 2am
Convention Operations
(Hilton San Carlos)
continues from 8amConvention Operationsruns until 3am
Black and White Ball Events
(Marriott San Jose Ballroom)
Line Dance: El Caballo Dorado & Moreends at 4:30pm
Black and White Ball Events
(Marriott San Jose Ballroom)
begins at 4:30pmLindy Hopruns until 5:30pm
Black and White Ball Events
(Marriott San Jose Ballroom)
continues from 12:30pmBlack and White Ball Events TBD[all day]
(Marriott Silicon Valley Boardroom)
continues from 8:30amVolunteersruns until 9pm
Masquerade Office
(Marriott San Carlos)
continues from 10amMasquerade Officeruns until 6pm
Idris' Closet
(Marriott Willow Glen 2:3)
continues from 9:30amIdris' Closetruns until 7pm
Prayer Room
(Hyatt Salon 3)
continues from 9amPrayer Roomruns until 12am
Maid Cafe
(Westin Atrium)
continues from 11amMaid Caferuns until 6pm
Film Room 1
(DoubleTree Cedar:Pine)
Best of the Angry Video Game Nerdruns until 6pm
Film Room 2
(DoubleTree Fir:Oak)
Delicious in Dungeonruns until 8pm
Art Tree
(Gatherings G5)
Studio Ghibli
Fallout Zone
(Gatherings G6)
League of Legends
The Slab
(Gatherings G7)
Persona / SMT / Atlus

Changes from the Pocket Schedule

Previous Changes